Tuesday, July 31, 2012

21 weeks. AHHH!

This is the best I've felt since April! I'm finally to the point where I can eat almost anything that I want. I still really struggle with Cheese-its and gold fish... but other than that, I'm golden. I'm eating a lot more, and definitely gaining. So I should probably be careful, and try to NOT eat everything I see.

I have been documenting most of the weeks, so I figured I'd add the pictures on here. Nicole - you're so convincing :)
Keep in mind I didn't do EVERY week, just the ones where I either got ready, or remembered.

 This is when I told Justin. I'd taken a test, because I was too anxious to wait, and it had come back positive! So I ran to Target and got a onesie, and wrote 'I Love Daddy' on it. 

 When I found out, I was 6 weeks.

 The ultra sound went really well. Everything is measuring as it should, and he looks healthy! SUCH a relief. 

So I'm measuring right on time. December 8th. We've decided to name him Keith, and when I told my niece his name (she's almost 2) she said, "Baby Keek!" So he already has a nick name.

So on to the other part of the family... Justin started his new job on Monday, and everything is seeming too good to be true. There are perks that we weren't aware of, bonuses we didn't know about, and I swear, it's just getting better and better. This is why I trust my Father in heaven! I know that he has a plan, and that things WILL work out. Yes it can be terrifying, and at times I would let Him know that whenever he wanted to step in, I'd welcome it. But things are working out, and we're well on our way to being 'established'. Or something like that.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Oh the things I can do!

And for some reason I start all of them. Last year I bought a bunch of material to make a quilt. I'd link back to that post, but all those pictures were deleted when I changed emails on the blog, so blah to that! But I got this material last year, and was all gung ho on making a quilt, and not wasting my summer away. Well, here we are, a year later, and I just started sewing them together. I started on Wednesday, and then finished everything on Saturday. Look at that monster! To give you an idea of how huge it is, my dad is about 5' 10", and he's holding the top, while my mom is holding the bottom. And yes, some is laying on the ground. It's a queen, but I wanted to make sure that it would hang over the sides of the bed, so ... this is what I ended up with. Now it's a matter of getting the batting and then finding someone to quilt it for me. I'm sure THAT will cost an arm and a leg. But it definitely is exciting to see something that I made come together, and benefit from it. Hello, new bedspread! 

I have other things that I keep wanting to make, do, have, etc. but I am finding that I don't have the time/patience/money. Patience being the biggest one. I was telling my mom that while cutting all the fabric, it was so irritating, because the fabric just went into a huge pile, and there was no reward in that. But sewing the blanket, I saw the rows come together, and then sewing the rows together, I saw the blanket take shape! THAT was rewarding. So needless to say, I'm a big fan of instant gratification. 

Big news in the Larson home!
We're having a boy! Justin is SO excited. He's the last one to pass on the Larson name, so phew! Check that off the list :)
I'm officially 20 weeks. It's weird to see my stomach getting bigger and bigger. I'm still not feeling him move all that much, but the ultra sound tech said that was normal. Woo hoo! I'm hoping that changes though, because I would feel a little bit better if I could feel him moving around rather than spend all my time thinking that our little boy is a wuss, or has no spine or something like that. 
Hahaha I don't really think those things... but it would be nice to feel him! 

Also, Justin got a job!
The amount of stress he's been under has been insane. Since finding out we were expecting, and graduation coming, and our lease almost ending, he was just under a lot of pressure. Knowing now that there is a way to provide for our family, and insurance, and all those good things took a load off.