Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The feeling is mutual.

I love when I'm able to bond with someone over mutual feelings over another person. Whether those feelings be good or bad, it's always nice when you can say, "So you know so-and-so? They said the DUMBEST thing yesterday!" Or "You follow this blog, right? Did you see this post? Custest thing ever, huh?!"

Sometimes it's nice to know that you're not crazy for thinking your thinks. (Yes, I know thinks isn't used correctly, but I'm referring to Dr. Seuss-genius.)

But then there are those times when everyone loves a person, and all you can think is, "Really? THAT PERSON? They're one step above dog poop rolled in nuts."
And then there is another time when you just can't help but like that person, and everyone else thinks they're just a big, giant, idiot stick. (ex-boyfriends, what?)

But such is life. So the sayings go, people are brought in your life so you can teach them, or they can teach you... some are brought in for a season, a reason, or a lifetime... so on and so forth. There are hundreds of different sayings, but I could only think of those ones at the moment. You get my point though.


Unknown said...

hahaha you crack me up tracee.

Kateka said...

Love it. Hahaha. And we still need to talk about that ONE person.... I am such a gossip.