Thursday, December 2, 2010

Oh how thankful I am.

It was a good Thanksgiving, and a good break. I enjoyed the time off, and got a lot done. We had dinner at my parents, and then I went to the cabin with my parents and we watched ALL of Lonesome Dove, which for those of you who don't know, it's 6 hours long. I'd read the book this summer, and it's my dad's very most favorite book EVER. So we decided to go to the cabin and watch the series which stars Robert Duvall, Tommy Lee Jones, Diane Lane, Anjelica Huston, Danny Glover, Robert Urich, Rick Schroeder, Chris Cooper, Steve Buscemi, and so on. It's really a fantastic show, if you like westerns. And the book is phenomenal. Anyway. Got that done, got Justin's Christmas all done, and that was a good feeling. I'm really excited for Christmas!

23 DAYS!


Kateka said...

Oh, I am always looking for a good book. Thanks for the reference! I am glad you had a good Thanksgiving! I am not at all ready for Christmas yet...

Anonymous said...

By all means, it has a slow intro, but once you get to the part where they leave Lonesome Dove, it's aaaamazing. And don't worry, Justin isn't ready for Christmas either. =)